[SELF-REVIEW QUIZ for LEARNING] What Would You Do in These Student Behavioral or Classroom Management Scenarios?

  • Due No due date
  • Points 9
  • Questions 9
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


 Images of Students Looking Worried or Upset


Classroom Management & Student Behavior Scenarios

How would you respond to these scenarios? Thinking about these scenarios now will hopefully put you more at ease in knowing what to do should similar situations occur. Would you report these to CARE?

The following 9 "questions" are classroom management and student behavior scenario situations that you could potentially experience at some point. Please know that there are support resources to help you in assisting or guiding your students towards appropriate care or offices/colleagues/processes that support in certain situations.

This "quiz" will give you immediate suggestions that our CARE team formulated for each of the 9 scenarios. (The CARE team had a session during one of their retreats to think about their suggested responses to these scenarios.)

The scenario situations range from:

  • harassment among students
  • disruptive behaviors
  • aggressive behavior or outbursts (in class or towards you out of class)
  • potential suicide signs
  • change in student appearance and behavior that is concerning
  • cheating/plagiarism
  • student not contributing in group work
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