Course Syllabus

Lake Washington Institute of Technology




MATH 087


Arlene Pandey


Quantitative Literacy



Spring 2017


1:30 –3:50pm MW






Course Description


This course develops student skills in interpreting, understanding, and using quantitative information.  It integrates numeracy and proportional, statistical, and algebraic reasoning with an emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving. College success strategies are integrated with mathematical concepts.




ABED 40 or equivalent placement test score, or instructor permission

Student Outcomes and Competences


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate quantitative reasoning to analyze problems, critique arguments, and draw and justify conclusions
  • Accurately perform arithmetic operations involving fractions, decimals, percents, and signed numbers
  • Recall and apply the standard order of operations
  • Use proportional reasoning in solving applied problems
  • Use statistical and probabilistic reasoning in solving applied problems
  • Explain how quantities change, including multiplicative vs. additive and relative vs. absolute
  • Use estimation skills to solve problems, detect errors, and check accuracy
  • Interpret and use scientific notation
  • Make comparisons of relative magnitudes and work with various representations of quantitative information: ratios, rates, percentages, conversions, indices, scales, etc.
  • Organize and summarize data using a variety of representations, such as tables, graphs, and formulas
  • Use variables to represent quantities
  • Solve simple algebraic equations
  • Read and interpret quantitative information from a variety of real-world sources
  • Analyze and use quantitative information to support an argument
  • Recognize, make, and evaluate quantitative assumptions
  • Communicate quantitative results both in writing and orally using appropriate language, symbolism, data, and graphs
  • Use technology appropriately as a tool for calculations and to gather, research, and analyze quantitative information


Assentment Methods


     Assignments, Participation, Tests, Quizzes, Projects


Special Equipment/Course Material


  • Textbook: Quantitative Literacy (this workbook is available at the LWTech bookstore)
  • Scientific Calculator and Access to the Internet

Grading Scale

The following grading scale will be used to determine the final course decimal grade.


Grading Scale

96 - 100% = 4.0

84% = 3.1

75% = 2.2

66% = 1.3

94 - 95%  = 3.9

83% = 3.0

74% = 2.1

65% = 1.2

92 - 93% = 3.8

82% = 2.9

73% = 2.0

64% = 1.1

90 - 91% = 3.7

81% = 2.8

72% = 1.9

63% = 1.0

89% = 3.6

80% = 2.7

71% = 1.8

62% = 0.9

88% = 3.5

79% = 2.6

70% = 1.7

61% = 0.8

87% = 3.4

78% = 2.5

69% = 1.6

60% = 0.7

86% = 3.3

77% = 2.4

68% = 1.5

0 - 59% = 0.0

85% = 3.2

76% = 2.3

67% = 1.4



Grade Percentages


The final grade will be based upon class participation, in-class assignments, out-of-class    experiences, skills quizzes, tests, and projects.



% of Grade

# of Points




     In-Class Assignment (Group Work)


100 points

     Out-of-Class Experience (Quantway Homework)


100 points

     Module Tests (3 @ 133pts each)


400 points

Mastery Skills



    Skills Quizzes (5 @ 60pts each)


300 points

    Skills Homework (5 @ 20pts each)


100 points


  1. Incomplete grades will be considered on an individual basis in extreme circumstances. Student must contact the instructor and sign an incomplete grade contract before the last day of the quarter.
  2. Z grades (unofficial withdrawal) will only be given if the student attended the course for the first days of class or less. This grade will not affect your GPA.
  3. W grades will be assigned only to students who officially withdraw from the class. Students who stop attending class after that date and have not officially withdrawn will receive a 0 grade.


The last date to officially withdraw from the course is May 31, 2017.


Course Policies and Procedures


  1. Attendance & In-Class Assignments


  • Attendance is expected. Students who miss class are still responsible for lecture material covered, handouts, and announcements.


  • In-class assignments allow students to learn the material through interaction in class with the material, the instructor, and other students.


  • Math Books with the In-class assignments are collected on test day to record points. Late Submissions will receive 80% of the total points. Submissions later than one week after the test date will receive ZERO points.


  1. Quantway & Skills Homework Assignments


  • Out-of-class experience (homework) is essential for understanding and applying the concepts covered in class.


  • WAMAP Online Homework Assignments System

Homework for the Quantway material and the Skills material will be completed in the WAMAP online assignment system. Each class will have homework associated with the topics covered in class.


  1. Quizzes & Tests


  • Five Skills Quizzes will be given during the quarter. No calculators may be used on the quizzes, but the arithmetic will be simple. Because these quizzes focus on key skills that are necessary for future classes, these quizzes need to be passed at 80% or above. Quizzes below 80% will earn 0 points. Students will have the opportunity to retake each quiz 2 times to improve their score (for a maximum of 3 tries per quiz).


  • Three tests will be given during the quarter. Makeup tests are only allowed with extenuating circumstances reviewed by the instructor. The maximum points received for makeup tests are 80% of the total points and must be completed within one week of the test date.



  1. Disability Student Services, West Building, W207


If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact the Disability Support Services office. They will coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. All information and documentation is confidential. DSS is located in W207 in person, by phone 425-739-8300, or by email For additional information please refer to


Classroom Details


  1. Canvas Web Access

Canvas will be used to access our textbook and classroom communication. All grades will be posted on Canvas, and grade reports can be run at any time to keep track of your progress in the class.  Refer to this if you have any questions or if you were absent (be sure to review the attendance and homework policies outlined above)

Go to the LWTech Current Student tab and select the Canvas link ( Your login will be the same as your LWTech email login

       User name: LWTech email address (

       Password: LWTech password


  1. Study Tips

All students should do all class activities and all homework problems assigned.  Skipping homework problems or in-class work will make it very difficult to learn the material and do well on quizzes and tests. Homework and in-class assignments make up 30% of your grade, while quizzes and tests make up the remaining 70% of your grade.

  1. Plagiarism

Students are expected to follow the college student conduct code which prohibits cheating and plagiarism. If a student is caught cheating on a test, they will receive 0.

  1. Cell Phones - iPods

Cell Phone or iPod use is not allowed inside the classroom.  Please remember to silence your cell phones prior to the start of class.

  1. Tardiness – Attendance - Preparedness

Attendance is expected and essential for learning objects. All students should come to class on time. All students are expected to come to class prepared. This means having your math book, math notebook, pencil, and any assignments that are due.


Syllabus Review




MATH 087





MATH 087                  Quantitative Literacy

Instructor:                     Arlene Pandey





How many Tests will be given in MATH 087 this quarter?





How many Quizzes will be given in MATH 087 this quarter? What is a passing score on a Quiz?





Can you retake a quiz for a better grade?





How many times can you retake a quiz for a better grade?





How much will a late out-of-class experience assignment (homework) be penalized?





Where is the Supplemental Instruction Study Center (SI Center) also known as the Academic Skills Center (ASC) located?






My signature below indicates that I have read and understand this syllabus. I have also been given a copy for my records.



Printed Student Name                                 Signature                                                             Date

Course Summary:

Date Details Due