Drop/Withdraw from Classes

Visual Directions

Important Note

This How-To Guide is for students not enrolled in High School programs.

Lake Washington Technical Academy and Running Start Students: you must register with the assistance of an Advisor Links to an external site.. Please check with your LWTA or RS Advisor for assistance.

Please note that dropping/withdrawing from a class: 

  • May impact your Financial Aid and/or your student account balance.
  • Does not guarantee a refund. Pay close attention to key refund dates each quarter, which are located on the Enrollment page Links to an external site..
  • Could impact your college transcript and GPA.

Before dropping/withdrawing from a class, you are strongly encouraged to talk to a Financial Aid Specialist. If you are part of a special population program that provides funding, you are strongly encouraged to speak with them as well (ex: Veterans, Worker Retraining, WorkFirst, BFET, Opportunity Grant).